Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 3 of the intro diet.  I can't say I've been doing a great job.  I ate soup on Monday night but I had added some dried veggies and they gave it a strange flavor that literally made me sick.  Blacch!  Tuesday I had broth for breakfast and ate some roast chicken and jello.  Lunch was probably chicken and jello again, I can't quite remember but I didn't have anything else around here to eat.  I did add gobs of home done sauerkraut and that isn't on the intro stage but it makes everything taste so much better.  For supper I made up some chicken livers, boiled some meatballs in broth and had home canned beets.  The liver wasn't too good but better with sauerkraut.  I walked yesterday and today as I'm trying to add exercise to this diet to help get my hormones and enzymes, etc. in right synchronization. 

For breakfast I am having broth, scrambled eggs with lots of sauerkraut and some jello (from the SCD diet).  I feel pretty good so far just hungry for what I consider "real" food!!!!  

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