Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 9, Between stage 4 and 5

We are somewhere in between these two stages because we added the steamed apples in Stage 5 but not the soft parts of lettuce and cucumber. We do juice now with carrots and apples added to it which is a stage 5 thing to do.

My main "problem" with the diet is implementing everything everyday. We are to be adding egg yolks to each cup of broth, and avocado and adding the juice from fermented veggies to each cup too. We are to pour olive oil on each meal. I just don't get to these things always because we have had errands to do and running around makes everything rushed. I can see planning on staying home during this intro would ensure you follow it all completely. I believe healing is going on but for it to be optimal you need to do it all.

Day 9
We continue to have lemon squeezed in a glass of water each morning when we rise. I have done some research into the alkaline/acid diet and this is great to do to create an alkaline PH level in your body. Alkaline bodies with a PH above a certain number cannot have cancer living in them, that's what I have heard anyway. So, your goal is to eat more alkaline foods. I am curious to take our families PH level. I have some test strips to do that.

Today, we had a cup of chicken broth while we waited for the muffins. We ate almond bread made with zucchini with honey. I borrowed a friends stoneware muffin pan and it makes wonderful muffins. The test today was we made 12 muffins in that and 12 in our regular metal pans. The stoneware made the nicest looking muffins and best moisture content. We only use this pan for our son with a compromised system because we don't want him to have any residue of wheat just in case of a reaction.

We did errands so didn't get to eat lunch til nearly 5 p.m. An egg, half of a muffin, and a helping of steamed broccoli. I did juice carrots, apple with a touch of asparagus when we first got home. Juicing works best on an empty stomach. All the good nutrients are quickly absorbed. I have fresh asparagus growing in my garden! It's nice not to have to buy everything.

For supper I wanted to make my own stir-fry because we were in Sam's Club and found mushrooms, baby carrots and onions. Now, I've done stir fry before but this time I sauteed onion and garlic in ghee ( I cannot fry things in coconut oil for myself, I can't do the coconut taste), added carrots cut julienne style (they look so nice this way), added zucchini and mushrooms and then when it was all about cooked through, added grated ginger. There was no need to salt or pepper it. We baked some perch with salt and pepper and added lemon slices to the meal. I was surprised how taken the kids were to squeeze lemon juice on their fish. My 6 year old boy ate 3-4 lemon slices this way. The fish was great. I buy it from Wal-mart. Two bags was enough. I could have doubled the stir fry veggie amount because again we only had one helping but they got as much yogurt as they wanted afterwards.

OK, a note about fish. I am frustrated to shop in any store lately. I searched through all the fish at Sam's Club and out of about 8 selections only found two that were just fish. They had some reasonably priced Salmon that said No preservatives and other things but when you read the label it added color to it. It didn't say what they used to color it. I can't do color in this diet so I wasn't too happy. People will buy food without the color added!!! You can barely see the product with the packaging. Also, ALL of their fresh chicken had solution added to it. Completely false advertising when they write all over that it is minimally processed with no preservatives when they go and add a solution with broth. You may not know it but labeling laws let them put the word broth down and it can having anything in it. It most likely has MSG.

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